The Magnetic Microstructure of YIG / GGG Films: Mossbauer Studies in the External Magnetic Fields


  • А.О. Kotsyubynsky Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • V.V. Moklyak Institute of Metal Physics named after G.V. Kurdyumov, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • І.М. Fodchuk Yuriy Fedkovich’ Chernivtsi National University



Yttrium-Iron Garnet, Mössbauer spectroscopy, Magnetic field microscopy, Magnetic domain


The Mossbauer studies of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films grown on the gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrate was realized for different films thickness (2.85 and 5.42 mm) at the applied external magnetic field. It is shown that the main changes in the magnetic microstructure of YIG/GGG films are occurred at magnetic field value up to 2.20 kOe. The changes of the hyperfine magnetic fields on the iron nuclei have been investigated and its isotropic component was analyzed. It was determined that the domain structure changes (in particular, the domains width enlarging) under the applied magnetic field increase with the film thickness decreasing.


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How to Cite

Kotsyubynsky А., Moklyak, V., & Fodchuk І. (2019). The Magnetic Microstructure of YIG / GGG Films: Mossbauer Studies in the External Magnetic Fields. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 20(2), 202–208.



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