The Damages Caused To The Cultural Heritage: The Possibility Of Using The Experience Of Ukraine In The Legislation Of The Republic Of Belarus


  • Ihor Martynenko


cultural values, cultural heritage, the property, monument of culture, property, archaeology


In the article it discusses the problems of legal protection of historical and cultural heritage. The author based on the experience of Ukraine and other CIS countries offers measures to optimise the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. A comprehensive analysis of the legislation on protection of cultural heritage has enabled us to offer an innovative method of calculation of damage caused to the archaeological monument, by means of mathematical formulas.
Conclusions and recommendations can be used in practical law enforcement in order to prevent the illegal trafficking of archaeology; in judicial activities in civil cases related to compensation for damage caused to the monument of history and culture of the damage; in lawmaking in the development of new legislative acts in the sphere of protection of the archaeological heritage in the educational process of training specialists in the field of protection of historical and cultural heritage.


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